This SDK is designed to be used with JavaScript and includes a Vue plugin.


Installation. This SDK is designed to be used as a module. From your project install using your project’s package manager.


yarn add @hoobs/sdk


npm install @hoobs/sdk

This SDK fully supports ES5+.

import hoobs from "@hoobs/sdk";

const version = await hoobs.sdk.version();

To include the SDK in a Vue application, simply pass it into a Vue.use() call. You will also need to define a token store. This example uses Vuex.

import hoobs from "@hoobs/sdk";
import store from "./store";

hoobs.sdk.config.token.get(() => store.state.session);
hoobs.sdk.config.token.set((token) => { store.commit("SESSION:SET", token); });


The Vue plugin creates the $hoobs variable.

Below, defines the properties and methods available in this SDK.

Note: If you are using this within an Vue component, you can access the SDK from this.$hoobs. If you are not using Vue, you can access this from hoobs.sdk.


This returns the current HOOBSD version installed.


This returns the latest releases HOOBSD version.


This fetches the status of the authentication system. It will return one of these values.

Status Description
uninitialized This is the initial status, and the default admin user needs to be created
enabled This is the auth OK status
disabled Auth system is disabled and will not require a login

The disabled status can only be achieved when the auth system is uninitialized.


This validates the token stored in the Vuex store. If the auth system is disabled, this will always return true.

Tokens are stored on the hub and have a TTL based in the inactive_logoff setting.


This will disable the auth system.

The auth system can only be disabled if there are no users. If you would like to disable the auth system after users have been created, you must first remove the access file from the storage path.

This will return the auth system status.

auth.login([username], [password])

This will attempt to login to the hub. If the login is successful the token will be added to the Vuex store and stored locally.

If the login fails this function will return false.


Name Required Type Description
username Yes string The username defined on the user record
password Yes string The password defined on the user record


This takes the session token from the store and logs out the current user.


This returns a web socket used to communicate with the backend.


Name Description
connect Fires when the socket connects
disconnect Fires when the socket disconnects
reconnect Fires when the socket reconnects
log This event is fired when the backend writes to the console
monitor This fires on an interval set on the hub, sends monitor data to the UI
notification Fires when a notification is generated on the hub
accessory_change Every time an accessory is changes this is fired, including on/off states
shell_input Emit only, used to send XTerm commands to a PTY shell
shell_output Is fired when the PTY shell outputs information
shell_clear Emit only, used to clear the PTY terminal

To use io in Vue you must add it separately in main.

import hoobs from "@hoobs/sdk";

const io =;


Once this is added, will be available in your Vue components.

io.on([event], [callback])

This adds a listener on the socket for specific events.


Name Required Type Description
event Yes string Predefined event name
callback Yes function The function to call when event is emitted

All events return a JSON payload or undefined[event])

Disables all listners for a given event.

io.emit([event], […arguments])

Allows you to emit events from the UI to the backend.

Arguments are specific to each event


Formats a string, date, or a timestamp into a friendly display.


Name Required Type Description
date Yes string A date string or timestamp


Formats a string, date, or a timestamp into an age string like “5 days ago”


Name Required Type Description
date Yes string A date string or timestamp


Converts a number into an ordinal like “7th”


Name Required Type Description
value Yes number Any number value


Converts a month from Date.getMonth() to a text string.


Name Required Type Description
value Yes number Any number value


This will fetch a list of user records.

Password hashes and salts are omitted for security purposes.

This will return an array of user records.

    id: number,
    username: string,
    name: string,
    permissions: {
        accessories: boolean,
        controller: boolean,
        bridges: boolean,
        plugins: boolean,
        users: boolean,
        reboot: boolean,
        config: boolean

users.add([username], [password], <name>, <permissions>)

This will add a new user to the system.


Name Required Type Description
username Yes string The desired username
password Yes string The new user’s password
name No string The new user’s full name, if not set username is used
permissions No string The new user’s permissions settings


Fetches a user object by id.

    id: number,
    username: string,
    name: string,
    permissions: {
        accessories: boolean,
        controller: boolean,
        bridges: boolean,
        plugins: boolean,
        users: boolean,
        reboot: boolean,
        config: boolean


Name Required Type Description
id Yes number The id of the user record

The user id can be obtained from the hoobs.users.list() command.

user.update([username], [password], <name>, <permissions>)

This updates the current user record.


Name Required Type Description
username Yes string The desired username
password Yes string The new user’s password
name No string The new user’s full name, if not set username is used
permissions No string Define any updated permissions for the user

This method is attached to the user object obtained from the hoobs.user([id]) command.


This removes the current user record.

This method is attached to the user object obtained from the hoobs.user([id]) command.


This fetches the current hub configuration.

    api: {
        origin: string,
        inactive_logoff: number,
        disable_auth: boolean
    theme: string,
    dashboard: {
        items: object[],
        backdrop: string
    description: string,

Config files are encrypted on the hard drive. The API and CLI are the only ways to edit these files.


This saves the config.


Name Required Type Description
data Yes JSON The complete configuration JSON

Config files are encrypted on the hard drive. The API and CLI are the only ways to edit these files.


This fetches the historical log. This returns an array of message objects.

    level: LogLevel,
    bridge: string,
    display: string,
    timestamp: number,
    plugin: string,
    prefix: string,
    message: string,


Name Required Type Description
tail No number Defines the number of messages to return


Fetches the current device status.

    version: string,
    release: string,
    upgraded: boolean,
    cli_version: string,
    cli_release: string,
    cli_upgraded: boolean,
    gui_version: string,
    gui_current: string,
    gui_upgraded: boolean,
    node_version: string,
    node_release: string,
    node_upgraded: boolean,
    bridges: {
        bridge: {
            version: string,
            running: boolean,
            status: string,
            uptime: number,
    cpu: {
        avgload: number,
        currentload: number,
        currentload_user: number,
        currentload_system: number,
        currentload_nice: number,
        currentload_idle: number,
        currentload_irq: number,
        raw_currentload: number,
        raw_currentload_user: number,
        raw_currentload_system: number,
        raw_currentload_nice: number,
        raw_currentload_idle: number,
        raw_currentload_irq: number,
        cpus: [{
            load: number,
            load_user: number,
            load_system: number,
            load_nice: number,
            load_idle: number,
            load_irq: number,
            raw_load: number,
            raw_load_user: number,
            raw_load_system: number,
            raw_load_nice: number,
            raw_load_idle: number,
            raw_load_irq: number
    memory: {
        total: number,
        free: number,
        used: number,
        active: number,
        available: number,
        buffcache: number,
        buffers: number,
        cached: number,
        slab: number,
        swaptotal: number,
        swapused: number,
        swapfree: number
    temp: {
        main: number,
        cores: [number],
        max: number

The bridge key is the bridge id


This will generate a backup file and will return a URL to that file. If the backup fails an error object is returned.


Returns an list of backups available.

    date: number,
    filename: string,


This will accept a file name from the backup catalog and will restore it.

This will reboot the device


Name Required Type Description
filename Yes string The file name without the path from the backup catalog


This will accept an uploaded file and restore it to the system.

This will reboot the device


Name Required Type Description
file Yes Blob This can be any backup file stream including an HTTPFile object


Returns a system information object.

    mac: string,
    ffmpeg_enabled: boolean,
    system: {
        manufacturer: string,
        model: string,
        distribution: string,
        version: string,
        serial: string,
        uuid: string,
        sku: string
    operating_system: {
        platform: string,
        distro: string,
        release: string,
        codename: string,
        kernel: string,
        arch: string,
        hostname: string,
        codepage: string,
        logofile: string,
        serial: string,
        build: string,
        servicepack: string,
        uefi: boolean


Returns the current CPU load.

    information: {
        manufacturer: string,
        brand: string,
        vendor: string,
        family: string,
        model: string,
        stepping: string,
        revision: string,
        voltage: string,
        speed: string,
        speedmin: string,
        speedmax: string,
        governor: string,
        cores: number,
        physicalCores: number,
        processors: number,
        socket: string,
        cache: {
            l1d: number,
            l1i: number,
            l2: number,
            l3: number
    speed: {
        min: number,
        max: number,
        avg: number,
        cores: [number]
    load: {
        avgload: number,
        currentload: number,
        currentload_user: number,
        currentload_system: number,
        currentload_nice: number,
        currentload_idle: number,
        currentload_irq: number,
        raw_currentload: number,
        raw_currentload_user: number,
        raw_currentload_system: number,
        raw_currentload_nice: number,
        raw_currentload_idle: number,
        raw_currentload_irq: number,
        cpus: [{
            load: number,
            load_user: number,
            load_system: number,
            load_nice: number,
            load_idle: number,
            load_irq: number,
            raw_load: number,
            raw_load_user: number,
            raw_load_system: number,
            raw_load_nice: number,
            raw_load_idle: number,
            raw_load_irq: number
    cache: {
        l1d: number,
        l1i: number,
        l2: number,
        l3: number

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


Fetches the current memory load

    total: number,
    free: number,
    used: number,
    active: number,
    available: number,
    buffcache: number,
    buffers: number,
    cached: number,
    slab: number,
    swaptotal: number,
    swapused: number,
    swapfree: number

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.

Returns the current network interfaces.

    address: string,
    netmask: string,
    mac: string,
    internal: boolean,
    cidr: string

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


Fetch an array of the available file systems and the usage information.

    fs: string,
    type: string,
    size: number,
    used: number,
    use: number,
    mount: string

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


Fetch system load data.

    avgload: number,
    currentload: number,
    currentload_user: number,
    currentload_system: number,
    currentload_nice: number,
    currentload_idle: number,
    currentload_irq: number,
    raw_currentload: number,
    raw_currentload_user: number,
    raw_currentload_system: number,
    raw_currentload_nice: number,
    raw_currentload_idle: number,
    raw_currentload_irq: number,
    cpus: [{
        load: number,
        load_user: number,
        load_system: number,
        load_nice: number,
        load_idle: number,
        load_irq: number,
        raw_load: number,
        raw_load_user: number,
        raw_load_system: number,
        raw_load_nice: number,
        raw_load_idle: number,
        raw_load_irq: number

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


Fetch the current CPU temperature.

    main: number,
    cores: [number],
    max: number

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


This will update HOOBSD to the latest version.

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


This will reboot the device.

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


This will shutdown the device.

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


This will factory reset the device. It will remove all bridges, plugins and configurations.

This method is attached to the system object you must access this from the hoobs.system() command.


This allows you to view the broadcasted hostname.

Note this is only available on HOOBS™ devices like the HOOBS™ Box and the HOOBS™ SD Card.


This allows you to set the broadcasted hostname.

Note this doesn’t change the system’s hostname, it only changes the mDNS broadcasted hostname.

Note this is only available on HOOBS™ devices like the HOOBS™ Box and the HOOBS™ SD Card.


This will fetch a list of available extensions and if the extension is enabled.

    feature: string,
    description: string,
    enabled: boolean


This will enable an extension on the system.


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The name of the extension to enable


This will disable an extension on the system.


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The name of the extension to disable


This will list all plugins installed across all bridges.

    bridge: string,
    identifier: string,
    scope: string,
    name: string,
    alias: string,
    version: string,
    latest: string,
    keywords: [string],
    details: string,
    schema: JSONSchema,
    description: string


Fetches a list of featured plugins from HOOBS™ Cloud.


Fetches a list of popular plugins from HOOBS™ Cloud.[query], [skip], [limit])

Search for plugins on HOOBS™ Cloud in order of hit rank.


Name Required Type Description
query Yes string The search query
skip Yes number Skip the first number of plugins
limit Yes number Limit the number of plugins returned


Fetches a plugin details including readme and config schemas.


Name Required Type Description
identifier Yes string The plugin identifier as it appears in the repo

Note plugin identifiers include the scope, like @scope/plugin-name.[identifier], [skip], [limit])

Fetch a list of reviews for a given plugin ordered by newest review.


Name Required Type Description
identifier Yes string The plugin identifier as it appears in the repo
skip Yes number Skip the first number of plugins
limit Yes number Limit the number of plugins returned


Converts a plugin name or identifier into a friendly display name.


Name Required Type Description
value Yes string The plugin name or identifier


Returns the count of bridges.


Returns a list of bridges on the device.

    id: string,
    type: string,
    display: string,
    port: number,
    pin: string,
    username: string,
    ports: {
        start: number,
        end: number
    autostart: number,
    host: string,
    plugins: string,
    service: string,
    advertiser: string

bridges.add([name], [port], <pin>, <username>, <advertiser>)

Adds an bridge to the device. This will automatically create a system service and start it.


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The display name for the bridge
port Yes number The port for the bridge, between 1 and 65535
pin No string The pin used to pair with HomeKit, defaults to 031-45-154
username No string The bridge username, will auto generate is not set
advertiser No string This allows you to define the bridge advertiser

These are the supported advertisers.

  • bonjour
  • ciao

The name is automatically sanitized and used as an id for the bridge.

If your operating system doesn’t have systemd or launchd the service creation is skipped.

bridges.import([file], [name], [port], <pin>, <username>, <advertiser>)

This will add an bridge from an export of another bridge. This will automatically create a system service and start it.


Name Required Type Description
file Yes Blob This can be any backup file stream including an HTTPFile object
name Yes string The display name for the bridge
port Yes number The port for the bridge, between 1 and 65535
pin No string The pin used to pair with HomeKit, defaults to 031-45-154
username No string The bridge username, will auto generate is not set
advertiser No string This allows you to define the bridge advertiser

The name is automatically sanitized and used as an id for the bridge.

If your operating system doesn’t have systemd or launchd the service creation is skipped.


Fetches an bridge object. Will return undefined is the bridge doesn’t exist.

    id: string,
    type: string,
    display: string,
    port: number,
    pin: string,
    username: string,
    ports: {
        start: number,
        end: number
    autostart: number,
    host: string,
    plugins: string,
    service: string,
    advertiser: string


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The name or id of the desired bridge


Fetch the current status of the bridge.

    id: string,
    bridge: string,
    running: boolean,
    status: string,
    uptime: number,
    bridge_name: string,
    product: string,
    version: string,
    node_version: string,
    username: string,
    bridge_port: number,
    setup_pin: string,
    setup_id: string,
    storage_path: string

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Returns this bridge’s configuration data.

    plugins: [string],
    accessories: [any],
    platforms: [any]

Config files are encrypted on the hard drive. The API and CLI are the only ways to edit these files.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


This saves the config.


Name Required Type Description
data Yes JSON The complete configuration JSON

Config files are encrypted on the hard drive. The API and CLI are the only ways to edit these files.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Fetch a list of installed plugins on this bridge.

    identifier: string,
    scope: string,
    name: string,
    alias: string,
    version: string,
    latest: string,
    keywords: [string],
    details: string,
    schema: JSONSchema,
    description: string

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Installs a plugin on the current bridge.


Name Required Type Description
query Yes string This is the scope, name and optional version of the plugin

Plugin queries are the same as NPM or Yarn queries. Use this format @scope/name@version.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Upgrades a plugin on the current bridge.


Name Required Type Description
query Yes string This is the scope, name and optional version of the plugin

Plugin queries are the same as NPM or Yarn queries. Use this format @scope/name@version.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Uninstalls a plugin on the current bridge.


Name Required Type Description
query Yes string This is the scope and name of the plugin

Plugin queries are the same as NPM or Yarn queries. Use this format @scope/name.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.

bridge.update([name], [autostart], <pin>, <username>, <advertiser>)

This allows you to edit the bridge information.


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The desired display name for this bridge
autostart Yes number Set the number to delay the start of the bridge (in seconds)
pin No string Change the bridge’s pin
username No string Change the bridge username
advertiser No string This allows you to define the bridge advertiser

The name is updated but the id will remain unchanged. We do this so you don’t have to change any system services.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.

bridge.ports([start], [end])

This allows you to set the port pool on an bridge. Usefull for camera plugins.


Name Required Type Description
start Yes number The start port for the pool, between 1 and 65535
end No number The end port for the pool, between 1 and 65535

The end port must be equal to or larger then the start port.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Fetch a list of accessories for this bridge.

    accessory_identifier: string,
    bridge_identifier: string | undefined,
    bridge: string,
    plugin: string,
    room: string | null | undefined,
    sequence: number | undefined,
    hidden: boolean | undefined,
    type: string,
    characteristics: [{
        type: string,
        service_type: string,
        value: any,
        format: any,
        unit: any,
        max_value: any,
        min_value: any,
        min_step: any,
        read: boolean,
        write: boolean
    manufacturer: string,
    model: string,
    name: string,
    serial_number: string,
    firmware_revision: string,
    hardware_revision: string,
    icon: string | undefined

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Starts the bridge on this bridge.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Stops the bridge on this bridge.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Restarts the bridge on this bridge.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Fetches the accessory and persisted connections cache on this bridge.

    parings: [{
        id: string,
        version: string,
        username: string,
        display: string,
        category: string,
        setup_pin: string,
        setup_id: string,
        clients: [any],
        permissions: [any]
    accessories: [any],

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Purges the accessory and persisted cache on this bridge.


Name Required Type Description
uuid No string Remove a specific accessory from the cache

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


This will generate an bridge file and will return a URL to that file. If the export fails an error object is returned.


This will remove this bridge including all plugins and configurations.

This method is attached to the bridge object you must access this from the hoobs.bridge([name]) command.


Returns a list of rooms, accessories from all bridges.


Name Required Type Description
hidden No boolean Return a list of hidden accessories
    id: string,
    name: string | undefined,
    sequence: number,
    devices: number,
    accessories: [{
        accessory_identifier: string,
        bridge_identifier: string | undefined,
        bridge: string,
        plugin: string,
        room: string | null | undefined,
        sequence: number | undefined,
        hidden: boolean | undefined,
        type: string,
        characteristics: [{
            type: string,
            service_type: string,
            value: any,
            format: any,
            unit: any,
            max_value: any,
            min_value: any,
            min_step: any,
            read: boolean,
            write: boolean
        manufacturer: string,
        model: string,
        name: string,
        serial_number: string,
        firmware_revision: string,
        hardware_revision: string,
        icon: string | undefined

accessory([bridge], [id])

This fetches a single accessory object.

    accessory_identifier: string,
    bridge_identifier: string | undefined,
    bridge: string,
    plugin: string,
    room: string | null | undefined,
    sequence: number | undefined,
    hidden: boolean | undefined,
    type: string,
    characteristics: [{
        type: string,
        service_type: string,
        value: any,
        format: any,
        unit: any,
        max_value: any,
        min_value: any,
        min_step: any,
        read: boolean,
        write: boolean
    manufacturer: string,
    model: string,
    name: string,
    serial_number: string,
    firmware_revision: string,
    hardware_revision: string,
    icon: string | undefined


Name Required Type Description
bridge Yes string The the bridge the accessory is lives
id Yes string This is the accessory identifier

accessory.set([characteristic], [data])

Update or control an accessory. The JSON data for an accessory is contextual for the accessory you are wanting to control.


Name Required Type Description
characteristic Yes string The characteristic type on the current accessory
data Yes any This is contextual data for the accessory state

These characteristics are available for all non bridge types and are used to organize accessories.

  • name
  • room
  • hidden
  • sequence
  • icon

This method is attached to the accessory object you must access this from the hoobs.accessory([bridge], [id]) command.

Fetches a video stream for a given camera accessory. This is not available for non camera types.

This requires that the FFMpeg extension is installed, and only supports camera accessories configured with an RTSP stream, for example the Camera FFMpeg plugin.

This method is attached to the accessory object you must access this from the hoobs.accessory([bridge], [id]) command.


This fetches a snapshot from a camera accessory. This is not available for non camera types.


This returns a base64 encoded image, if the camara is unavailable, the image will be undefined.

This method is attached to the accessory object you must access this from the hoobs.accessory([bridge], [id]) command.


Returns the count of rooms.


Returns a list of defined rooms.

The room name is not included for the default room. This aids in localization.

    id: string,
    name: string,
    sequence: number,
    devices: number,
    types: [string],
    characteristics: [string]

rooms.add([name], <sequence>)

Adds an room to the device..


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The display name for the room
sequence No number The room order, will default to the first

The name is automatically sanitized and used as an id for the room.


This fetches a single room with accessories, types and characteristics.

    id: string,
    name: string | undefined,
    sequence: number,
    devices: number,
    accessories: [{
        accessory_identifier: string,
        bridge_identifier: string | undefined,
        bridge: string,
        plugin: string,
        room: string | null | undefined,
        sequence: number | undefined,
        hidden: boolean | undefined,
        type: string,
        characteristics: [{
            type: string,
            service_type: string,
            value: any,
            format: any,
            unit: any,
            max_value: any,
            min_value: any,
            min_step: any,
            read: boolean,
            write: boolean
        manufacturer: string,
        model: string,
        name: string,
        serial_number: string,
        firmware_revision: string,
        hardware_revision: string,
        icon: string | undefined
    types: [string],
    characteristics: [string]


Name Required Type Description
id Yes string This is the room id

room.set([characteristic], [data])

Update or control a room.


Name Required Type Description
characteristic Yes string The characteristic type on the current room
data Yes any This is contextual data for the room state

These characteristics are available for all non default rooms and are used to organize rooms.

  • name
  • sequence

Rooms also have an additional “off” characteristic that is added when the room has an “on” characteristic defined.
This allows you to call room.set("off", true) to turn off all light bulbs and switches in a room. This differs from
room.set("on", false), This example will only turn off light bulbs. The “off” characteristic is only available at
the room level and is not supported for individual accessories.

This method is attached to the room object you must access this from the[id]) command.


This will remove the current room.

This method is attached to the room object you must access this from the[id]) command.


This fetches the theme colors for the defined name.

    name: string,
    display: string,
    auto: boolean,
    mode: string,
    transparency: string,
    application: {
        text: {
            default: string,
            highlight: string,
            input: string,
            error: string
        background: string,
        highlight: string,
        accent: string,
        dark: string,
        drawer: string,
        input: {
            background: string,
            accent: string
        border: string
    button: {
        background: string,
        text: string,
        border: string,
        primary: {
            background: string,
            text: string,
            border: string
        light: {
            background: string,
            text: string,
            border: string
    modal: {
        text: {
            default: string,
            input: string,
            error: string
        background: string,
        dark: string,
        form: string,
        mask: string,
        highlight: string,
        input: string,
        accent: string,
        border: string
    widget: {
        text: {
            default: string,
        background: string,
        highlight: string,
        border: string
    menu: {
        text: {
            default: string,
            highlight: string
        background: string,
        highlight: string,
        border: string
    navigation: {
        text: {
            default: string,
            highlight: string,
            active: string
        background: string,
        highlight: string,
        border: string
    accessory: {
        text: string,
        background: string,
        highlight: string,
        input: string,
        border: string
    backdrop: string,
    elevation: {
        default: string,
        button: string


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The name of the theme

theme.set([name], [theme])

This will save a theme to the backend.


Name Required Type Description
name Yes string The name of the theme
theme Yes Theme The theme JSON object


This will upload an image to the backend for use as a backdrop.


Name Required Type Description
image Yes Blob This can be any image stream including an HTTPFile object

plugin([bridge], [identifier], <action>, <data>)

This allows plugins to interact with their backend code.


Name Required Type Description
bridge Yes string The bridge id you wish to call.
identifier Yes string This is the plugins repository identifier
action No string This is an optional action as defined in the plugin
data No JSON This is JSON data that is posted to the plugin code as needed

When opening the UI plugin, your HTML file will have these variables defined for you.

  • $hoobs: This SDK.
  • $bridge: The bridge this dialog if intended.
  • $identifier – The plugin identifier, should match your plugin.


This will search for a location by open text search. This is used to set the location for weather forecasts.

    lat: number,
    lng: number


Name Required Type Description
query Yes string This the desired open text search


Fetches the current weather from the configured location on the hub.

    units: string,
    weather: string,
    description: string,
    icon: string,
    temp: number,
    min: number,
    max: number,
    windchill: number,
    pressure: number,
    humidity: number,
    visibility: number,
    wind: {
        speed: number,
        direction: number,


Fetches the weather forecast from the configured location on the hub.

    units: string,
    date: number,
    weather: string,
    description: string,
    icon: string,
    temp: number,
    min: number,
    max: number,
    windchill: number,
    pressure: number,
    humidity: number,
    visibility: number,
    wind: {
        speed: number,
        direction: number,

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